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Studenten Bilden Schueler (SBS)

Studenten Bilden Schueler (SBS)








Launch year


Age group


Target group

Social Mobility

Providing free tutoring from volunteer students for financially disadvantaged children in Germany

Studenten Bilden Schueler (SBS) supports low income young people with free tutoring provided by university students.  Founded in 2012, the programme has reached 50 German cities to date and matched thousands of tutoring couples.

The Foundation has helped SBS to recruit more students to its programme so that it can support more disadvantaged children, through marketing and awareness-raising.  The organisation is also building recognition in universities to aid recruitment and so that tutors gain certifications.

The Foundation’s latest grant is intended to recruit 300 new tutors through social media advertisements and lower the cost for attracting and retaining tutors, helping to underpin the organisation’s ambitions for growth.


new tutors recruited by end of 2023/2024 academic year


cost per onboarded tutor


low income young people supported

“The Hg Foundation is not just a sponsor, but a strategic partner by providing essential support to strengthen our online presence. This is especially important because online presence does not only mean to be found faster on Google, but to increase the awareness of “Studenten bilden Schüler e.V.”. Consequently, we can reach more students interested in educational justice, equal opportunities and thereby help more tutoring students”

Laurenz Kleinert, Director, SBS

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